Sibling Rivalry


Birds chirp overhead as you brush leaves out of your way, the sun beating down on your skin through the trees. Taking a quick drink from your water bottle, you wonder if you should start heading back. You don't quite recognize where you are anymore and your cell phone lost service hours ago. Brushing your hair out of your face, you reach back to tie it into a ponytail. It's not too late in the day but if you start trying to find your way back now it'll probably be dark by the time you actually make it there. Sitting down on a log, you contemplate your choices. It's not like you have the supplies on you to make a camp, but you've roughed it before. Fishing an energy bar out of your bag, movement catches your eye and you pause. Almost hidden among the foliage, you can make the outline of a person shifting through the leaves. 

"Hey, are you alright?" you call out, slinging your bag onto your back. The figure moves closer and you can see them wave, slowly making their way over to you. As they come into view, you see that they have green hair that almost matches the forest greenery around them. Their face is fairly androgynous and you can't tell their gender straight away. Their body is very lithe, slim but slightly muscular, and you can make out long pointy ears on either side of their head.

"Hello! How are you doing? Do you need help finding your way?" a distinctly male voice calls out to you, but with an accent and tone you can't quite put your finger on. 

"Yeah! Well, maybe. I think I know how to get back, but I'm worried about getting stuck in the dark before I make it" you reply, standing up to meet him. Getting a closer look, you notice green tattoos on his pale skin, symbols you don't recognize.

"If you're comfortable with it, I have a cabin nearby you can crash at. It's just a 15 minute hike north from here"

You nod, and extend your hand, introducing yourself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Halbernacht, just call me Hal" he smiles warmly, taking your hand and shaking it. His grip is firm, but not crushing, and your arm tingles slightly as his fingers drag across your palm. Turning around, he leads you through the trees and you can't help but notice his figure as he pushes deeper into the woods. His tight black clothes hug his skin, and you can see the firm indentations of his ass as he moves in front of you. You swallow unconsciously, biting your lower lip. 

Hal breaks through to a clearing, and you see a small wooden cabin standing in the center. He invites you in and you curtsy playfully before stepping inside. Dropping your bag by the door, Hal moves into the small kitchen area. The first thing you notice as you walk past the door is shelves of miniature figures along the walls and lots of tiny bottles of empty paint scattered along the floor.

"Would you like something to drink?" he calls over, pulling two glasses out. Your mouth waters as you think of something you'd like to drink, then you shake your head as you try to push it out of your mind. Pulling off your light jacket, you shake out your tank top to get rid of a stray leaf, your breasts jiggling. Hal turns back to you and hands you a glass of water, smiling. You down it fairly quickly, a small stream of water falling from the corner of your mouth, down your neck and between your cleavage. You catch Hal watching and you "accidentally" spill a bit more. His tight clothes do a bad job of hiding his interest, and you can see a fairly sizeable bulge start appearing in his pants. Finishing your water, you place the glass on the counter, bending over slightly to tease him. 

"Thanks for the drink" you grin, brushing up against him and placing a hand on his arm. He seems visibly flustered, trying to turn away from you to hide his arousal. 

"You're welcome" he mumbles, trying to shuffle into the kitchen, but you pull him slowly back towards you. 

"I appreciate you letting me stay here, Hal. It's really very kind of you" you slowly walk him up against the wall, pressing your tits into his chest and running a hand up his cheek. Sliding two fingers along his ear, you rub the tip and watch his cheeks flush. Hal tries to say something, but you press a finger to his lips before pushing it into his mouth slowly. Kissing his cheek, you work your finger in and out of his mouth playfully before pulling it out and hooking your thumbs in the waistband of his tights. You tug lightly, kneeling in front of him slowly and nuzzling the indentation of his cock through the spandex. You rub your cheek against his bulge, inhaling slowly and kissing. Pulling down bit by bit, you watch his manhood spring free and a string of precum lands on your lips. Licking it up, you place your hands on his hips and run your tongue along the underside of his impressive dick. It's just about 8 inches by your estimation, and you intend to take it all. Reaching into your shorts, you rub your soaked pussy as you worship the cock in front of you, covering it with kisses and flicking your tongue along the underside. Opening your mouth and looking up at him, you invite him in silently. Hal slowly inches the tip along your tongue until he's past your lips, and you close your mouth around him, sucking softly. Your hips move involuntarily as you work your fingers against your clit, getting off on having this pretty boy under your spell.

The longer you service Hal, the more he gets into it and starts moving his hips more, pushing the head of his cock against the back of your throat. Relaxing and closing your eyes, you push your mouth further, taking him completely and swallowing around his girth. Pressing your lips to the base of his cock, you massage him with your throat, then pull off slowly. Looking up at him again, he seems to be in a daze but you feel his hands on the back of your head pushing your mouth back onto him. His hips start moving steadily, holding your head in place and you feel him wrap a hand around your ponytail. Gagging slightly as the head hits the back of your throat, you feel your eyes tear up a bit. Hal pushes himself down your throat again, holding your head still as he gives shallow thrusts, fucking your mouth and pouring salty pre down the back of your throat. Your panties are practically soaked as he hammers your throat, and you choke slightly, coughing and pulling off. Catching your breath, you wipe tears from your eyes and go back to work, wrapping your lips over the head of his glistening cock. 

Tightening the grip on your ponytail, Hal drives down your throat with slow, deep strokes. You close your eyes once more and relax your throat, arms hanging by your sides as you let him use you as he pleases. Drool falls from your lips with each inch of his cock making its way into your face, and before long you hear him start moaning. He pulls you suddenly once more completely onto him, and your lips kiss the skin along his base. You try to pull yourself off to breathe, but Hal forces you still and you feel his cock pulsing in your throat. You feel your pussy gush as he has his way with you, and your whole body shakes as you're brought to orgasm simply by sucking dick. Warmth fills your belly as his cock spurts its load into you, and even after it's finished, you can't break free. Black spots fill your vision as you hammer his thighs with your fists, and he finally lets you go, your throat making a distinctly wet sound as his cock pulls out. A thick glob of semen falls onto the floor as you cough and catch your breath, your vision slowly returning. Glancing outside, you see the sun has almost set and you realize you're actually stuck here for the night. Though, looking back to Hal's dripping cock, you figure that's not such a bad thing.


Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. Groaning, you flop over and try to figure out where you are. Remembering you slept over at your older sister's, you fumble around with your hand, trying to find your phone, and failing. Rolling off the couch, you pull yourself to the end table where your phone won't shut up and swipe it open. Seems your sister left a series of messages letting you know she's in the woods somewhere and stayed at some guy's place overnight. Typical, she's always been a huge slut. She was hanging off the arm of a different guy every other week in highschool, looks like not much has changed. Sighing, you pull on your socks and shoes, giving a quick roll of deoderant under your arms before heading out. This is just part of her routine, having to go collect her when she's done since she's usually too drunk or lost to get home on her own. 

Her directions are vague at best, but you manage to find her car at a reservation parking lot. You try calling her, but it goes straight to voicemail. Seems like she doesn't have service, just wifi. Wherever she is, it's far enough in to where cell towers don't reach, or there's just something blocking it. Asking where to go through messenger, you get a set of coordinates on google maps from her. It's only a 20 minute walk from where you are, and it's pretty much a straight line. You tell her you'll be there in 30, and start making your way in. The trees throw shadows across the greenery as you follow the path on your phone before you lose service. It's not long to go though and you find a small wooden cabin in a clearing before long. Figuring this must be the place, you walk up and knock on the door, looking around impatiently. 

A thin man with green hair answers the door with a smile, welcoming you in "Hey! Sorry, your sister is inside. Nice to meet you, I'm Hal" You shake his hand and he grips you tight, pulling you in slightly. You step through the threshold, and see your sister passed out unceremoniously on a sofa behind Hal. Her clothes are disheveled, her hair is a mess, her socks and shoes are scattered around her. 

"Fuck, man, I'm sorry about her. I'll get her out of your hair" you sigh, moving over to shake her awake.

"Don't worry about it, you can let her sleep. She's been up for most of the night" he replies. You bet she has, you think to yourself, grimacing. Sitting on a stool, you lean against his kitchen counter, watching him dig through his small fridge.

"Would you like something to eat? It's about brunch time" he turns to you, holding a carton of eggs and a bottle. Nodding and shrugging, you rest your head on your hand, watching him move around his small kitchen area. You can't help but admire his figure in his tight black clothing, but you shake your head and fix your eyes to the counter before he can catch you staring. He's admittedly attractive, but you'd never say so out loud. Hal hands you a plate with an omelette and a fork, then pops a bottle of champagne, pouring some into a flute glass and mixing some orange juice into it. Pouring one for himself, he sets a glass near your plate and raises his towards you. Picking it up and clinking his glass, you take a healthy sip. You eat your omelette and have polite conversation, talking about the figurines you see scattered around his place while your sister snores in the background. 

Cleaning your plate, you get up and bring it to his sink, rinsing it off and scrubbing it clean. 

"You don't have to do that" Hal protests, standing behind you.

"It's the least I can do for you taking my sister in" you reply, noticing him getting closer. His hand rests on your hip but you ignore it, focusing on the plate. You feel his thumb slip into your waistband and your heart starts beating faster in your chest. You rest your hands on the edge of the sink, leaning over it heavily as Hal runs his hand along your waistline, his arm wrapping around your midsection. His breath on your neck makes you shiver and you squeeze the rim as his hand makes its way to your crotch. He squeezes and rubs you through your pants, your dick slowly growing in your boxers as he presses into you from behind and kisses the back of your neck. You keep staring into the sink and try to control your breath as Hal strokes your now fully erect cock over your clothes, your arms shaking. In your head you keep thinking that you should stop this, but his constant hand motion keeps you from moving. His lips travel along the base of your neck and you gasp out loud as he squeezes you lightly. 

Your sister snores quietly in the background as Hal plays you like an instrument, his hands rubbing and squeezing different parts of your body as you chew on your lip. You haven't moved for god knows how long, your feet planted firmly in place in his kitchen while his ministrations speed up. Suddenly stopping and pulling you away from the sink, he leans in to kiss you. You're too turned on to do anything but return it, wrestling his tongue in your mouth and letting him lead you into the living area where your sister's still passed out. A hand on the back of your head gently pushes you to your knees and you mindlessly follow his direction, rubbing your face into his tights. His cock springs free as he tugs his pants down, and you stare into the face of a long pale cock with a growing bead of precum at the tip.

"Wait, my sister..." you whisper, but Hal smears the head of his cock against your lips, slipping it in slightly. It tastes strange, slightly salty, but you don't have any time to think about it as he works his length in further. It's only when he's halfway in and kissing the back of your throat that you realize that the odd taste is your sister. Trying to talk around his cock works as well as you thought it would, and all you can do is make muffled sounds as he pushes himself into your throat.

You close your eyes and try to relax your throat, your hands resting on Hal's thighs as he rocks his hips back and forth. Taking breaths every time he pulls out, you fall into a rhythm of sucking and breathing. Holding your head in place, he pulls out slowly, his cock glistening with your saliva above your face. Your own erection has been straining your pants the entire time, and you stare up at Hal while rubbing yourself mindlessly. He leans over and kisses you, pulling you to your feet and cupping your bulge, pressing his hand in. His touch makes your knees buckle and you fall in front of him again, your mouth drawn to his cock like magic. You see Hal smile as you drool over his pulsing length, his fingers running through your hair. Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks flush red as he rubs behind your ear, encouraging you. Soon enough your head is bobbing back and forth steadily, your lips wrapped tight around him and your tongue working every inch of his length inside your mouth. Your own hands fall to your crotch, rubbing yourself through your pants before undoing them and tugging them off. 

Hal slowly pulls you off of his cock, standing you up again and turning you around. He places a hand on your back and bends you over the couch where your sister is still sleeping. You feel a finger rubbing something cold against your ass and you clench, trying not to make noise directly over your sister's passed out form. A finger works its way into you, and you feel Hal's other hand stroking you slowly, drawing out a steady flow of precum. You bite your lip as you feel Hal's finger stretch you open, spreading something inside you. His hand around your cock works you steadily and eventually you relax around his finger. Hal pulls his hands away and places them on your hips, his cock prodding against the entrance to your backdoor. Your breath catches in your throat as he presses into you, your ass clenching and relaxing. Every time you release, you feel him slip in a bit further until finally the head pops in past your ring. Gritting your teeth, you feel a moan force its way out past your lips, and you look up to see your sister still in the same position but her lips slowly curling into a smile. Before you can say anything, Hal's grip on your waist tightens and he shifts his hips forward, driving into you. 

Your hips get pulled back as Hal pounds into you, your ass clapping against his waist as he stretches your hole with every thrust. You dig your nails into the arm of the sofa as your own cock jumps with Hal's movements, and any chance to warn Hal about your sister gets fucked out of you. You can see her eyes crack open and her hand snaking down to her shorts as you groan and pant over her. Your eyes roll back and your body shakes as Hal hits a particular spot inside you, and you almost collapse onto the couch. His pace picks up as you squirm under him, and your cock starts jumping and throbbing without any help from your hand. Your sister's eyes are wide open now and her hands are inside her shorts, rubbing herself to orgasm as she watches her little brother get fucked silly. Hal either can't see her, or doesn't care, and you're quickly losing interest as he buries himself completely inside you. Your whole body tenses and your ass clenches tight as you feel your cock spurting weakly onto the floor, Hal's hips still hammering away through your orgasm. Your arms give out as your upper body falls onto the couch, looking up, you can see your sister biting her lip and fingering herself frantically. Hal pulls your hips back against him and reaches under you, stroking you quickly, your vision flashing as he forces you to cum again. Biting into a cushion, you moan freely as your hole gets molded, his cock pulsing inside you and eventually you can hear his breath turning ragged as he drives his hips home. You feel a warmth flood into you as he cums, your ass milking him dry. Your sister must have finished, she's back to pretending to be asleep. 

Hal slips out of you and you sink to the floor, a puddle of cum forming under you as you leak his seed. He wipes his cock clean across your cheek and tucks himself back into his tights, and you slowly pull your pants up. Washing yourself off in his bathroom, you come back out to see your sister stretching and sitting up. 

"Oh hey there little bro, I didn't know you'd be here so soon" she smiles while you glare at her. 

"Of course dear sister, let's head home" you reply through gritted teeth. Hal waves you both off from his doorway, smiling contently. "Come back soon!" he calls out. You're not sure you're even going to hike in these woods ever again, let alone come visit. Hiking back to the reservation lot, your sister nudges you.

"So, how was he? He was pretty excited to have you over when I showed him your picture in my phone" she grins.

"You KNEW?! You PLANNED this?!" you shout, reaching out to shove her but she skips out of reach.

"Don't be so angry! You loved it, I saw that cum dripping out while he fucked you" she laughs, sticking her tongue out. 

"I'm not gay! I've never even kissed a guy!"

"Hmmmm, I'm not so sure about that" she teases, running ahead of you. Walking back to the car in silence, you feel a buzz in your pants as you get back into service range. Handling your phone, you see a new friend request, and silently hit accept before slipping your phone back into your pocket.

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