I don't think I'll be using this site much anymore

 I'll be posting any new stories either to SubscribeStar or my AO3 page, so make sure you're following me on either of those places (or twitter) for updates. I'll leave this page up as an archive, but there's not really any point of using it, I think. I originally wanted to use it so I could get ad revenue, even if it was minimal, but there was no way for me to control what kinds of ads came through and it became too invasive. Anyway, thank you for supporting me here, I'm not going to stop writing, I'll just be moving the post locations. 

If you're not following me in these places already:

SubscribeStar (90% of new content gets dropped here) - https://subscribestar.adult/eh-sex

AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Rusty_FC

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Rusty_FC_


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